
Matilda Djerf’s apology meets criticism: – Does not seem genuine

Swedish influencer Matilda Djerf is in a tough spot these days. Last week, news broke that eleven employees or former employees are reacting in various ways to the working environment at Djerf Avenue, Matilda Djerf’s own brand.

After days of silence from the main character herself, she posted an apology on Instagram on Tuesday evening, where she says, among other things, that she was not ready for all the responsibility that has come with the company’s success. But the apology has not only fallen on deaf ears:

“Experience has nothing to do with being a kind person,” is one of the comments on the post. The comment has nearly 35 thousand likes at the time of writing.

Podcaster Mathilde Ullum wrote in a comment in VG on Monday that it shows that it is not enough to “crack the code on social media” and sell an ideal – if what is happening inside is rotten.

Ullum tells MinMote that she thinks it’s good that Djerf has taken several active steps in the right direction. And she believes that she actually regrets putting the company’s goals ahead of the well-being of her employees.


– Apology videos are a difficult format since the sender knows that the content will not be well received, and if followers have already asked for it, it will come too late.

– This makes her seem a little self-conscious, and not very genuine, she points out, and continues:

– In addition, we don’t learn anything we didn’t know before. But I have no problem seeing that the media pressure she’s going through now is difficult to bear.

Swedish Aftonbladet wrote at the end of last week that the picture emerging from employees and former employees they have spoken to is consistent and describes a workplace where Matilda Djerf’s mood sets the agenda. The news has created strong reactions around the world, and fans on TikTok are disappointed with Djerf – whom they have looked up to and had as a role model.

Djerf says in her apology Tuesday evening that she will begin by saying that she is genuinely sorry to anyone she has hurt or disappointed.

– Under a lot of stress, high pace and naivety, I have failed to be the leader and colleague I want to be, writes Djerf.

In the future, she will focus on being the best possible leader and colleague, she says.

What do you think?

Written by mohid6212@

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