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Last Minute Gift: 14 Heart Jewelry Ideas to Give for Valentine’s Day

Timeless and universal, the heart in jewelry beats stronger than ever. Whether it sparkles alone or nestles in the hollow of a chain. Minimalist or baroque, it beats to the rhythm of the creators to go beyond the framework of love affairs. 

It’s a motif as old as time and yet it never ceases to capsize us. The heart. Icon of passion, desire and attachment, it crosses the ages, impervious to whims. It has adorned the rings of Renaissance princesses, beaten to the rhythm of romances, and even survived the assaults of minimalism. A classic? Better still: an eternal declaration, which like beautiful love stories, knows how to reinvent itself without ever losing its splendor. In jewelry, it comes in infinite variations: sculptural or airy, raw or set with diamonds, suspended from a chain or in a daring accumulation. Long confined to the jewel cases of midinettes and music boxes, it is today asserting itself as a leader of trends. So whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or prefer an uncompromising love – starting with your own -, one thing is certain: a heart jewel is a bit like an “I love you”. You just have to know who to address it to. 

10 pieces of jewelry to wear your heart on your skin

This season, designers are doubling their imagination to make our hearts beat in gold and silver. Some are betting on simplicity, like Gucci, whose delicate pendant pulsates in the hollow of the neck. Others are opting for the spectacular, like Persée, who chisels a sculptural heart, capturing the light from every angle thanks to its diamond. Romantic souls will turn to solitaires adorned with stones in soft hues, like the signature pink of Lavani Jewels. The heart is also worn on a chain at Yay, or as a bold signet ring at Yvonne Léon and Erita, where it becomes an emblem. As for those who like to play with codes, they will prefer the asymmetrical earrings of Alaïa, oscillating between fusional love and assumed independence. At Maison Dorée, the heart is made maxi, while Sézane declines it in a vibrant triptych. Other designers subtly reinterpret the motif: a bracelet with an intertwined heart at Poiray, a symbol of lasting love. A ring set with sparkling stones at Riice, a nod to fairy tales. Or a creation by Aurélie Bidermann, where a double ring draws a heart in shadow and light. And for those who place self-esteem at the top, what could be better than a medal engraved by Pandora. L’Atelier des Dames transforms the jewel into a talisman. Because loving is good. Loving yourself is even better. What if the perfect jewel reconciled the two?

What do you think?

Written by mohid6212@

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