
A Dermatologist’s Tips for Getting Rid of an Oily Scalp

Looking for a solution for your oily scalp? Dermatologist Lindsey Zubritsky shares her best tips for treating the problem at the root.

An oily scalp is not inevitable, but it is sometimes difficult to find a good hair balance when you don’t have the right habits or the right advice. With the rise of social networks, many false beliefs circulate on this subject, in particular that of multiplying shampoos, which is not necessarily the right solution. On the contrary, this method could deteriorate the health of your scalp in the long term. Fortunately, dermatologist Lindsey Zubritsky brings her expert eye on her TikTok account by sharing simple but really effective tips, which could change the life of your scalp .

Four pro tips to incorporate into your hair routine to stop having an oily scalp:

1. Use micellar water

The dermatologist suggests applying it to the roots of your hair to cleanse them.

2. Switch to dry shampoo

Use a dry shampoo in the evening to keep your scalp fresh, without damaging your hair with repeated washing.

3. Pre-shampoo

Before shampooing, perform a targeted cleansing of the scalp with a few drops of glycolic acid or salicylic acid to massage.

4. Adopt the correct washing frequency

The clarifying shampoo is not to be used every day if you are prone to an oily scalp, but only once a week, according to the dermatologist’s recommendations. With this routine, you should quickly see a difference in your hair.

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Written by mohid6212@

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