
More personalized shopping: How AI is changing the fashion industry

Sarah Iglesias Hiller has worked in the fashion industry for 10 years, in various leadership roles at Spanish Mango and Inditex. Now she has started her own business and is working to make AI tools more accessible to the industry.

MinMote met Iglesias Hiller at the NF&TA conference 2024 where she spoke to the Norwegian textile industry.

She points to three main areas where AI is changing the industry:

  • Trend analysis
  • Design and creativity
  • Sustainability and efficiency

Trend analysis combines data from various sources to predict what will be popular next season. With artificial intelligence, you can combine data from fashion shows, online shopping, social media trends, and what people are searching for.

“When all of this is combined, you get an understanding of what consumers want and what trends all the brands are going to focus on. There are trade shows, fashion shows and all of this together, which provide very valuable information that is worth following,” explains Hiller.

For example, colors on the catwalk can be analyzed: if many designers use red, it could indicate that red will be a key color in upcoming collections. This helps brands avoid mistakes, such as producing items in a color that may not be in demand.Trend analysis combines data from various sources to predict what will be popular next season. With artificial intelligence, you can combine data from fashion shows, online shopping, social media trends, and what people are searching for.

“When all of this is combined, you get an understanding of what consumers want and what trends all the brands are going to focus on. There are trade shows, fashion shows and all of this together, which provide very valuable information that is worth following,” explains Hiller.

For example, colors on the catwalk can be analyzed: if many designers use red, it could indicate that red will be a key color in upcoming collections. This helps brands avoid mistakes, such as producing items in a color that may not be in demand.

When it comes to design, Igelsias Hiller believes that many hours can be saved by using artificial intelligence.

– Before, you had to design for five hours for one pattern. Now you can do it in three seconds and you have four different options with different colors and sizes.

What do you think?

Written by mohid6212@

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