
Warns against eyelash serums with prostaglandins

– Should not be used, says the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

Eyelash extensions are products that claim to lengthen and thicken eyelashes. Now warnsThe Food Safety Authorityagainst the use of products containingprostaglandinsdue to potential health risks.

According to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, products with one or more of these ingredients should not be used:

  • Bimatoprost
  • Isopropyl Cloprostenate
  • Dechloro Dihydroxy Difluoro Ethylcloprostenolamide
  • Methylamido Dihydro Noralfoprostal
  • Isopropyl Dihydro Noralfaprostal

Amalie Gravelle, advisor in the chemical food safety section at the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, tells MinMote that they do not know how widespread the use is. They also do not know how large a part of the market it constitutes, or which brands have these ingredients.

More possible side effects

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority recommends that you consult a doctor or other healthcare professional if you experience side effects. You should also report them via the Cosmetics Adverse Reactions Reporting System .

Consumer reporting of side effects is crucial to obtaining enough data to understand the risks of the products, says Gravelle.

– Possible side effects of eyelash serum can include discoloration of the skin around the eyes, eye irritation and other allergic reactions such as redness and unwanted hair growth, she says.

Gravelle says that in a few cases, eyelash serums containingprostaglandin analoguescause a change in the color of the eye (iris), and this side effect cannot be reversed.

Not banned – yet

Prostaglandins are not banned. The amount of prostaglandins that can be in a product is also not regulated. However, there is a general requirement that all cosmetic products should be safe to use.

As of now, it is up to manufacturers and importers to ensure that products containing these ingredients are safe. They are obliged to provide a safety assessment of the product.

The EU’s Scientific Committee on Cosmetics (SCCS) is scheduled to assess the safety of three prostaglandin analogues, which could lead to regulation of the substances.

– Whether SCCS can conclude depends on whether they have sufficient data to make a risk assessment, says Gravelle.

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Written by mohid6212@

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